Monday, July 26, 2010

GreenFlash: Old Wood, New Board

This summer the swells have been scarce, so we decided to take our board-riding to the streets. Instead of buying decks, Matt thought it would be more fun to make our own. He took on the project, and heres the steps:

1. Deck: Matt found some vintage Mahogany tongue-and-groove flooring at Reuse Hawaii, and glued it up! (Reuse Hawaii is an excellent source for project materials, all recycled from deconstructed houses and buildings!)

2. Shape: He decided on a fun ripper shape for himself and a long nose-rider style for me. He then outlined the shapes, cut them out, and sanded the rails.

3. Parts: Trucks and wheels were found on Craigslist, then assembled and screwed into the board.

4. Fun!: The best part- finding a smooth street and giving the boards a try!!

GreenFlash: Small steps to having a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Easy to apply and make a difference in your everyday habits. We chose to stay in Hawaii and start Vers here because we love island living. Earth is the biggest island that we share and it needs our aloha!

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